Frustration with Georgetown Mayor and City Council’s Slow Progress

Dear Editor,
I pen this letter with a mixture of frustration, disappointment, and disgust towards the lack of progress from the Mayor and City Council of Georgetown.
My discontent stems from the ordeal I have faced as a resident who submitted a building plan in December 2023, only to witness four months pass without any approval or meaningful advancement on the matter.

Submitting a building plan entails a considerable investment of time, effort, and resources for residents. It is disheartening to observe such a disregard for the concerns and needs of the community.

Despite my frequent visits to the council’s office and inspection division seeking updates on my plan, I am consistently met with excuses – no council meetings, abrupt ends to meetings, and dismissive remarks about the shared nature of the wait.
This prolonged delay is not only inconveniencing me personally but is also impeding the progress crucial for my financial dealings with the bank. It begs the question, Mr. Editor, why can’t the councilors entrust the technical aspects of plans and building to the engineering team?

Furthermore, the extended process of property evaluation and tax payment, spanning from June 2023 to November 2023, is wholly unacceptable. Such delays not only squander residents’ time but also cast a shadow on the efficiency and effectiveness of our local government.

The Mayor and City Council bear the responsibility of serving the best interests of their constituents, a duty they are currently failing to uphold. Their inaction and inefficiency not only hamper the progress of individual residents but also undermine the overall development and prosperity of our city.

I implore the Mayor and City Council to prioritize the needs of the community and take prompt action to rectify these issues. Georgetown residents deserve better, and it is high time for our local government to rise to the occasion and fulfill its duties effectively.

Yours truly,
S. Forte

Georgetown Resident