Government has been reckless on corruption

Dear Editor,
How else does one explain Aubrey Norton’s silence on the PPP’s poor governance? Mr Norton is rather quiet is it that he not equipped to challenge PPP. He is providing opportunities for the small and new parties.
When the USA intervened in 2020 elections to allow the PPP to become the elected government and to be sworn in, was there an understanding between the two major parties that government would be rotated between the two sides? The opposition PNC+AFC led by Norton has been silent on the ongoing maladministration and widespread corruption. In my fifty years living in Georgetown, I never saw a government so bold faced and reckless in ‘tiefing’ and mis-governance, wasting resources and disrespecting voters. It is worse now than under Ramotar and Jagdeo and far worse than under Granger. No government fearful of an Opposition would act so reckless and be so bold faced in awarding contracts?
The enormity of corruption is mind boggling, but Norton has been quiet. Hardly any response! No responsible opposition would be so quiet or condone through its silence what is happening at several ministries not the least Agriculture, Housing, Power Generation, among others. Every child knows this government is extremely corrupt. PNC Norton has not said a word that it would prosecute those involved in corruption. Are deals made that when its term end next year, the PPP will step aside and hand power to the Norton? Is the population being fooled on a deal between the two behemoths? Officials are tiefing like no tomorrow. There has been no comment on gold mining concessions, opaque contracts to foreigners, refusal by PPP to honor a campaign commitment to open talks with Exxon on the 2% royalty, etc. There are too many issues about which the Norton has been silent. Why?
The government has been reckless on corruption, perhaps emboldened over the last two years with the opposition not pressing for accountability and transparency. The PNC has not been operating the way an opposition party does – putting the government to task, questioning spending, condemning clear cases of over-spending, demanding transparency and accountability. Foreign unqualified contractors are given huge contracts while local contractors are blanked. The PNC has not been vibrant the way the PPP was when it was in opposition. It has an uninspiring leader who is contented with being Opposition Leader.
Could the PNC Norton silence on the recklessness of PPP governance, abuse of office, and massive corruption be interpreted as a done deal for a changing of the guards come next election? Would the PPP be asked to leave office quietly to make way for Norton PNC similar to what happened in August 2020?
Yours truly,
Nathan Barton