Roysdale Forde, SC, MP is qualified and accomplished

Dear Editor,
When Joe Biden assumed the Presidency of the USA at the beginning of 2021, and Aubrey Norton assumed the Leadership of the PNC/R at the end of 2021, there was a feeling of optimism and purpose in the USA and Guyana that regular order would be returned to our societies after the unprecedented assault on our democratic foundations following presidential elections in both countries.
And, while some accountability has been pursued and achieved in the USA, few would argue in favour of even limited resolve and success here. In fact, many people believe that the opposite is true and the democratic deficit manifested following the 2020 General and Regional Elections has been unchecked and growing rapidly. This is exemplified by the bald authoritarianism; uncontrolled corruption; assault on the judiciary, press and labour; neutering of oversight bodies and the absence of inclusivity and fairness in national development.
In 2021, Aubrey Norton rode a wave of anger, frustration and disillusionment to secure the leadership of the PNC/R with about 65% of the delegate vote on the basis of his supposed ability to honour its legacy and champion the rights and aspirations of the disenfranchised, downtrodden and disrespected in our society.
More than two years on the general consensus is that he has underrepresented and underachieved as Leader of the PNC/R and Opposition. According to Charles de Gaulle, “every man of action has a strong dose of egotism, pride, hardness and cunning. But all these things will be forgiven him, indeed, they will be regarded as high qualities if he can make them the means to achieve great things.”
Even Norton’s staunchest supporters are left to defend his continuation in office, not on the basis of relevant ability or achievement, but rather his long association with, and valued service to, the party and practiced sociability, and seem to prefer to engage in intrigue and manipulation of internal processes rather than introspection, political evaluation and purposeful outreach.
The PNC/R is a political party, with a proud legacy of struggle, development and unquestioned national relevance which trajectory has been losing its momentum within recent years requiring an obvious, and urgent, course correction.
I am convinced that Roysdale Forde, SC, MP is qualified and accomplished and has the motivational, organisational and visionary abilities to lead the movement to Regroup, Refocus and Rebuild the once-victorious coalition and return it to office.
Sam Rayburn, 43rd Speaker of the US House of Representatives famously said that, “any jackass can kick down a barn but it takes a good carpenter to build one”. I suggest that Roysdale Forde is that carpenter and leader necessary for this time.
Yours truly,
Oscar Dolphin